Baroque Big Band: Andover, MA

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The Maria Martell-Winthrop Memorial Concert

Sun, Dec. 4, 4 pm
Andover: South Church

Mistral’s annual bonanza of Baroque masterpieces, with virtuosic soloists taking turns in the spotlight. Works by J.S. Bach, Telemann, Vivaldi, Handel, and other, lesser-known Baroque gems. This special concert is in honor of Maria Martell-Winthrop, a cherished friend and music lover whose life was tragically cut short.

“To make divine things human & human things divine—such is Bach, the greatest and purest moment in music of all time”—Pablo Casals

Our Online Ordering System

Mistral uses a secure online ticketing system provided by Arts People. You can purchase individual tickets using a credit card. You will be able to print your e-ticket at home and bring it with you to the concert, or we will print the ticket ourselves hold it at the door under your name. (It is always preferable to print your own or have them sent to you to avoid a crush at the WILL CALL desk. As a special promotion to encourage music lovers back into our halls, we’re offering general admission for individual concerts at our subscription rate: $35. Due to limited seating, there is no senior or student rate. Any concert can be exchanged for any other – even at the door. Just send us an email to make sure we’re not sold out. We are committed to making our concerts accessible to all, and so if you are interested in discounted or group tickets, please contact us at

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